Friday, April 18, 2008

Nothing Yet

No Suvi yet. She loves making her mom wait! I am trying to keep real active (opposite of bed rest?) but it is getting harder and harder to do normal things. Heikki Markku and I went on a little (1 hour) hike at Barton Creek today. It was nice to get out, but I don't have really good balance so I had to watch real carefully where every foot went-or I would trip (and it's hard to see my feet these days)! Markku was a lot faster than me! He ran most of the trail. We think he may be a cross country runner some day! Heikki leaves tomorrow around 3 pm-so if she doesn't come by then she has to wait another 5 days! Or, Heikki may just not be here. That is starting to sound like a better option to me. I NEVER even thought she may be late or even born near her due date. I just assumed she would be here by now....


ColeBugsmommy said...

Come on baby...we are all waiting!

Alissa said...

I can't believe she isn't here yet. Hopefully she will come this weekend!

Joey said...

You know, if you want her to wait until he comes back, you could do a little mini-bedrest and stay as inactive as might work. Then again, it might not:)